O’Dea welcomes approval for major revamp of King John’s castle

Willie O’Dea TD has been informed by his colleague Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism, Mary Hanafin TD that she has given approval for a significant re-development of King John’s castle. This will also lead to the revamp of the Nicholas Street area, spearheaded by Limerick City Council and Shannon Development, as part of a proposal to change Limerick city from a service to a destination centre for tourism.

Deputy O’Dea said, “According to Shannon Development, the castle’s performance has slipped in recent years, but they hope that this redevelopment will attract 100,000 visitors annually.
“The re-vamp of the castle will also be the linchpin for further development of Nicholas Street, as well as a major development for Castle Lane. This will be a major boost for traders in the area who I know are desperate for something to be done to improve the area.”


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