Willie O’Dea T.D. has welcomed the announcement that over €240,000 has been provided by the Government to assist Limerick local authorities in meeting the costs associated with the operation of their bring banks and civic amenity facilities. Limerick City Council has been allocated €65,867 and Limerick County Council €176,567.
The funding is provided from the Environment Fund, through which the proceeds of the plastic bag and landfill levies are utilised to provide assistance and support in respect of a range of waste management, litter and other environmental initiatives.
Willie O’Dea TD said, “I am delighted with this significant allocation of funding to assist the local authorities here in Limerick to continue to provide and maintain the many recycling facilities in operation.
“Furthermore, recyclates are a lucrative resource that have the potential to create hundreds of long-term and local jobs. Hundreds of people in Ireland are already making money, remaking waste into new products that people want to buy and there is potential to create new jobs and viable industries.”