I am writing to you regarding the important matter of the proposed amalgamation of Limerick City and County Councils, as recommended in the Brosnan report.
In view of the short legislative timeframe before the General Election due early in the New Year, it might not be feasible to implement this report. Therefore, I am urging you in the meantime to strongly consider a straight forward boundary extension for the city to include all of the greater urban area of limerick city now currently within the local authority area of Limerick County Council.
This would result in a much needed boost to Limerick city, which as you know is in effect currently administered by three separate local authorities, all with different retail and planning strategies. The question of a joint authority can and should be considered at a later date.
I look forward to hearing your views on this crucial issue for Limerick.
Yours sincerely,
Willie O’Dea T.D.