Proposed taxing of Child Benefit for those earning over €100,000 just gesture politics


Fianna Fáil Spokesperson on Social Protection, Willie O’Dea TD, says that the suggestion by Minister Joan Burton that people earning over €100,000 should pay tax on any child benefit they receive is just “gesture politics of the worst kind”.
“The idea that you could have both parents earning over €90,000 each and still not have to pay tax on any child benefit they receive proves that this is just gesture politics of the worst kind and is just more posturing from Minister Burton to advance her campaign to become the next leader of the Labour party. Lets be realistic, the tax generated from this proposal wouldn’t pay the National debt for even a few minutes.
“It’s a case of another day, another kite. This latest proposal is about diverting attention from what was one of the most socially regressive budgets ever. It is widely accepted by the likes of Fr. Sean Healy of Social Justice Ireland that the most vulnerable in our society were disproportionately hit at the last budget. Cuts to disability payments, children’s allowance, the Domiciliary Care Allowance, the One Parent Family payment and Community Employment Schemes have all impacted on those most in need of support.  While at the same time there was little or no impact on sections of society more able to bear the burden.”

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