I am absolutely delighted to be elected to Dáil Éireann again to represent the constituency of Limerick City.
I want to thank the thousands of people who put their trust in me and gave me their vote. I also want to say a big thank you to my family, friends and my wonderful team of election workers. I literally had hundreds of volunteers out canvassing, putting up posters and leafleting for me over the election campaign. People gave of their time so generously and put in a tremendous effort on my behalf at every end of the constituency.
I also want to commiserate with my running mate Cllr. James Collins and with the other candidates who failed to get elected including Jan O’Sullivan who has a very strong track record and represented this constituency for over 20 years with me. Congratulations also to Deputy Quinlivan, Deputy O’Donnell and Deputy Leddin on their election successes.
I look forward to continuing the work I do on behalf of the electorate. Go raibh maith agaibh.

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