Brexit misadventure can end only on a discordant note
The British government’s handling of Brexit is like a comic opera but without the cheerful denouement There are moments when the British government’s handling of its Brexit misadventure seems to come straight out of the libretto of a Victorian comic operetta. Less than a week
Community supports are vital, so Government’s move to regionalise them would be a change for the worse
The Citizens Information Board, at the behest of the Government, is proposing to abolish all local Money Advice and Budgeting Service (Mabs) centres and Citizens Information Service centres throughout the country and replace them with eight regional boards. The excuse for this radical change is
Topical Issue Debate: Creagh Lane N.S. Survivors & Residential Institutions Redress Scheme 31-01-17
Deputy Willie O’Dea: I thank the Ceann Comhairle for allowing me to raise this issue. I thank Deputy Paul Murphy for raising it also. We are here this evening to seek justice for the victims of sexual abuse in Creagh Lane primary school, Limerick city. That
The EU Commission has not taken legal action against others who do not levy water charges, writes Willie O’Dea
Now that Fine Gael’s night of the rubber knives has passed off without incident, the great pretenders must spend another month or two courting support on the rubber chicken circuit while they wait for Enda Kenny to hand over the written permission slip required to
If we don’t address the looming pension crisis, taxpayers will foot bill for funding retirements
In the last 10 years, three out of every four defined benefit pension schemes in this country have been closed down. The defined benefit pension scheme, in which members pay in an agreed amount each year and are guaranteed a defined pension on retirement, is
Older people to be empowered to stay in their home under my legislation passed by Dáil
State policy is that elderly and infirm people should be catered for, in so far as possible, in the comfort and security of their own homes. At present, if this is not an option, and additional support is needed, two options are available: the state,