Willie O’Dea on Live95 FM
Joe Nash speaking to Limerick TD Willie O’Dea (Part 1) [podcast]http://willieodea.ie/wp-content/uploads/WillieODeaPart2.mp3[/podcast] Joe Nash speaking to Limerick TD Willie O’Dea (Part2) [podcast]http://willieodea.ie/wp-content/uploads/WillieODeaPart3.mp3[/podcast] Joe Nash speaking to Limerick TD Willie O’Dea (Part3) [podcast]http://willieodea.ie/wp-content/uploads/WillieODeaPart1.mp3[/podcast]

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Willie O’Dea TD was born and raised in Kilteely, Co. Limerick. He was educated at the Patrician Brothers College Ballyfin, Co. Laois and UCD where he studied law. He qualified as a barrister at King’s Inn, Dublin. He has an accountancy qualification from the Institute

Political Career
Willie O’Dea was first elected to the Dáil in February 1982 for the Limerick East (currently Limerick City) constituency and at each subsequent Election. He is currently Fianna Fail Spokesperson on Social Protection. Willie O’Dea was appointed Minister for Defence in September 2004 and was

US Pre-clearance for private jets at Shannon hugely significant – O’Dea
US Pre-clearance for private jets at Shannon hugely significant – O’Dea Shannon Airport is home to world’s first private jet pre-clearance facility Statement: Minister Willie O’Dea TD The opening up of Shannon Airport for pre-clearance for U.S. bound private aircraft is a hugely significant move