EU reform plan will deliver a fatal blow to economy
CCCTB. Get used to these letters — you will be seeing and hearing them a lot in the coming weeks. CCCTB stands for the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base. According to the European bureaucrats proposing it, this is merely about bringing simplicity, reducing compliance costs

Media verdict on Enda seen through rose-tinted glasses
EVERY new Government deserves a media honeymoon. This is especially true for a Government which is taking charge at a time when the country is economically submerged. Nobody can doubt that the Government is getting its media honeymoon — and then some. Epithets like “novel”

Coalition holds the hopes of nation
LOOKING across at the ranks of government TDs reinforced the message sent by the people on February 25 last. It was not just the number of them that struck me, but rather their youth and freshness, a youth and freshness not reflected in the formation

Thank you
I owe a huge debt of gratitude to my brilliant campaign team and everybody who voted for me and ensured my re-election as a TD for Limerick City – it is a huge honour. I also want to say a big thank you to everyone who

Please Vote No. 1 Willie O Dea
Tomorrow the voters of Limerick will decide who is best to represent them in the Dáil. I hope my track record of hard work for Limerick shows that I am worthy of that honour. Please give me your No. 1 vote to allow me to

Monday Feb 14 Valentine’s Day, and while my path is not strewn with rose petals, the welcome on the doors around Mungret is good until mid-afternoon, when I detect a sudden frostiness. Maybe frostiness is putting it too strong, but people do seem surprised to