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Public Works Programme

While you don’t often hear it, a range of respected and authoritative international agencies have complimented and endorsed the Irish government for taking the right actions on the macro economic front. Compared with a number of other nations with similar open economies, Ireland has been

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Asia Immersion Programme

Early last week I was stopped in the street by someone asking me why I was no longer using my Sunday Independent column to comment on the political events of the previous week. I tried explaining how I thought discussing new ideas was far more

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Entrepreneur Visas

In a week where IBEC is talking of the economy already recovering and Fine Gael has had to admit that its own “radical” NewEra plan is based on estimates and best guesses, it is important that we continue to examine real practical and pragmatic proposals

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Reducing the costs of employing people

Over the past few weeks I have set out a number of new ideas and directions aimed at hastening our return to growth and prosperity. I have tried as far as possible to find new and constructive ideas that offer real solutions.   One proposal

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Regeneration Implementation Plan Approved by Cabinet

I am delighted that my Government colleagues have today approved the Regeneration implementation plan. This approval will result in much more visible action on the ground in Regeneration areas.   I have championed the cause of Regeneration in Limerick both inside and outside of Cabinet

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