The man who would be Taoiseach, Enda Kenny
The few days rest around New Year affords us all the opportunity to pause and consider what 2011 may have in store for us, both as individuals and as a nation. In an interview published recently in the Irish Times, the man who would be

Letter to Minister John Gormley re Limerick Boundary Issue
Dear Minister Gormley, I am writing to you regarding the important matter of the proposed amalgamation of Limerick City and County Councils, as recommended in the Brosnan report. In view of the short legislative timeframe before the General Election due early in the New

Budget must create growth and jobs
As Budget Day approaches you will see and hear the intensity of predictions and analysis from the ever growing phalanx of pundits will increase. As varied and inaccurate as some of these predictions may be, there does appear to be a growing consensus that

The Green’s gesture politics
On the Late Late Show a few months back I raised concerns about the Greens attitude to collective cabinet responsibility. At the time I was talking about the Greens agreeing unpopular measures at the cabinet table and then getting their tweeting colleagues and apparatchiks to

It’s hard to admit it, but FF’s strategy has gone wrong
Since I left Government nine months ago, I have committed my political thinking to finding new and innovative ways of restoring confidence in our capacity to earn our way out of our economic difficulties. It has been the consistent and re-occurring theme of the

Reducing VAT on energy upgrade works will create jobs
IBEC’s Danny McCoy summed up the current dilemma very neatly recently on RTE’s Primetime. Talking about such positives as continuing export growth and positive balance of payments, he found himself accused of just wanting to “get the good news out there”. The IBEC Director General