Entrepreneur Visas
In a week where IBEC is talking of the economy already recovering and Fine Gael has had to admit that its own “radical” NewEra plan is based on estimates and best guesses, it is important that we continue to examine real practical and pragmatic proposals

Reducing the costs of employing people
Over the past few weeks I have set out a number of new ideas and directions aimed at hastening our return to growth and prosperity. I have tried as far as possible to find new and constructive ideas that offer real solutions. One proposal

Regeneration Implementation Plan Approved by Cabinet
I am delighted that my Government colleagues have today approved the Regeneration implementation plan. This approval will result in much more visible action on the ground in Regeneration areas. I have championed the cause of Regeneration in Limerick both inside and outside of Cabinet

Turn intellectual property into profits
While it can be hard to hear them over the voices of the negativity merchants like Morgan Kelly, there are still many positive people out there offering constructive and novel ideas as to how we speed up our progress back to growth. One such person

€1billion in business credit could be made available from pensions
According to all the reports the Irish Labour Party had an enjoyable conference in Galway recently. Given their standing in the polls and the popularity of their leader, they are perfectly entitled to enjoy themselves. Reading the speeches of some of their spokespeople, it is