Brian Cowen

This week’s column had been intended as a plea to those who had voted confidence in Brian Cowen’s leadership to think again. His Saturday afternoon statement changed all that.   Brian’s decision to relinquish the leadership of Fianna Fáil was not an easy decision for him. Whatever his faults, and they have been much discussed

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Sarkozy’s attack on Ireland’s Corporation Tax

There has been a steadily growing debate among many in the political commentariat about the role of TDs. I say debate, in reality it has mainly been an exercise in bashing TDs for their constituency work, claiming that this has been at the cost of their national duties. The curious hypocrisy of all this is

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The man who would be Taoiseach, Enda Kenny

The few days rest around New Year affords us all the opportunity to pause and consider what 2011 may have in store for us, both as individuals and as a nation. In an interview published recently in the Irish Times, the man who would be Taoiseach, Enda Kenny, treated an anxious and fretful nation to

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