Launch of hyped jobs plan fizzles out like damp squib

About this time last year, I started to explore new ideas and policies designed to get our economy moving again. Over that year I have set out a range of possible initiatives from developing the digital games sector to introducing start-up visas, from turning intellectual property into jobs to using personal pension funds to fund

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What happened to all the brave talk of burning bondholders?

IN the days since Michael Noonan announced the latest attempt to revive our moribund banks, we have seen and heard a number of new ministers tell us that there is no change in policy on the bondholders. Senior unguaranteed bondholders, they tell us sternly, cannot be touched. The seriousness with which they tell us that

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Question remains as to why decision rushed through

AMID the torrent of claim, counterclaim, accusation and denial generated by the Moriarty Tribunal, one fact emerges about which there is no dispute. At a cabinet meeting on March 2, 1995, the then Government took a decision on how the mobile phone licence was to be granted. The decision was that the process should be

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EU reform plan will deliver a fatal blow to economy

CCCTB. Get used to these letters — you will be seeing and hearing them a lot in the coming weeks. CCCTB stands for the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base. According to the European bureaucrats proposing it, this is merely about bringing simplicity, reducing compliance costs and it will involve a lower rate of tax. The

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