Lyric FM

The decision to base Lyric FM in Limerick was as a result of a Cabinet decision. RTE cannot be allowed to unilaterally reverse a decision made by the Government. Today in the Dáil I asked the Taoiseach about this matter:   Willie O’Dea I recently raised the issue of the decision of RTÉ to move

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Flaws in pension plan are glaring – and Government knows it

You may recall British prime minister Boris Johnson telling the world he would “rather be dead in a ditch” than ask the European Union for another Brexit extension. That was back in early September. The October 31 deadline was just two months off and everyone, including Johnson, knew there would have to be an extension.

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Minister rules out Garda Station for Castletroy

I have been informed by the Minister for Justice that he has no plans to provide a Garda Station in Castletroy. I have been told by numerous people in the Castletroy area that there has been an upsurge in burglaries lately and only recently there was a three hour delay before a Garda Car attended

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Proposed Closure of Lyric FM in Limerick

My Parliamentary Question to the Minister for Communications on the closure of Lyric FM in Limerick is below. His response isn’t good enough and once again shows the lack of commitment to the regions from this Government! * To ask the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment the reason Lyric FM is being moved

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We need ministers to lead – and not just act the part

During the week the Financial Times was speculating about who the EPP group of EU centre right parties, which includes Fine Gael, might consider putting forward to succeed the outgoing EU Commission President, Jean- Claude Juncker. Much to the delight of the Taoiseach and his entourage, Leo Varadkar’s name and, more importantly for them, his

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May takes things to the brink as she plays a dangerous game

British Prime Minister May’s tactic of running down the parliamentary clock until the only viable alternative to a no-deal hard Brexit is passing her Withdrawal Agreement has been widely described as political brinksmanship. It is being called a lot of other things too, some of which I could agree with, but for the purposes of

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O’Dea publishes new bill to remove EPA absolute immunity

Fianna Fáil TD for Limerick City, Willie O’Dea TD has today published a draft bill that would remove the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) absolute right to immunity. The Environmental Protection Agency (Amendment) Bill 2018 seeks to delete Section 15 of the 1992 EPA Act and amend Section 67 of the 1996 Waste Management Act that

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Begrudgers wrong to bemoan generosity of JP McManus

Ireland thrives on foreign investment, so why criticise a donation from one of our own. In his 1986 book, The Begrudgers’ Guide, the late, great Irish social critic and writer, Breandan O hEithir described begrudgers as the nation’s largest faction. Mercifully, their numbers have declined in the decades since, but the handful that are left

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