People need to have their say on role in EU

THE decisions we make this year will define our relationship with Europe. Do we want to be part of a Europe of solidarity and partnership? Or, do we want to be a part of a Europe where two players call the shots and occasionally tousle our hair to show us we are liked? This is

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A start-up visa programme was suggested long ago

Last Tuesday, the Government gave us another example of the one thing it does really well: making announcements about announcements.  Look into the detail of Alan Shatter’s pronouncement on the start-up entrepreneur and immigrant investment programmes and you will see that his statement does not launch the schemes. Rather it merely announces that he will

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Aengus understood the real power of a personal story

I HAD a brief phone call with Aengus before Christmas. Little did I realise that it would be our last conversation. Though he was upbeat and positive regarding his health, I now see, in hindsight, that our uncharacteristically short exchange was an indication of how ill he was. Looking back over the 20 or so

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We need major rethink of our export strategy

The release of the briefing notes prepared for US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner‘s meetings with the Taoiseach and Finance Minister make for very interesting reading — even if they are very heavily redacted. What we need to see now are the notes drafted after the meetings. The notes summing up what Geithner learned from those

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Early present is late in the day

Joe Costello and Jan O’Sullivan will definitely find opening their Christmas presents a bit of an anti-climax. They got their gifts early with news of their ministerial promotions. To be fair, no one could deny either of them the right to enjoy the good news. Whatever our disagreements, their promotions were fully deserved. I have

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Kenny lacked the courage to shout ‘stop’ on EU deal

According to Taoiseach Enda Kenny, he put his case firmly on the table when he went into the recent EU summit in Brussels. To judge from the contents of the Fiscal Compact agreed by 26 out of the 27 heads of government, that apparently is where his case remained for the duration of the meeting:

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List of Limerick housing estates exempted for household tax published

There is a waiver from payment of the household charge for owners of residential property located in the following prescribed unfinished housing estates in Limerick city and County: Development Name Address Line 1 Address Line 2 County / City Council GIS X GIS Y Alandale Square Off South Circular Road Limerick City Limerick City Drominbeg

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Anxiety grows as Gilmore puts off his decision

WHAT is it about this Government and appointments? Last week it had to endure the indignity of seeing its efforts to have Kevin Cardiff appointed to the European Court of Auditors stumble at the first hurdle. If the Government succeeds in getting the process back on track, it will be due, in no small part,

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