My Speech in Dáil Éireann on the Aer Lingus Share Disposal

Deputy Willie O’Dea: Any objective observer looking at the events that have transpired in this House and outside it in the past few days would be forced to conclude that there is collusion between IAG, Aer Lingus and the Government to bypass the public and the Oireachtas on this important decision. The Minister will be aware

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Social Welfare Appeals Bill 2013: Second Stage [Private Members]

My speech on the Social Welfare Appeals Bill This is a very short Bill with one purpose, which is to expedite the social welfare appeals system. I propose that the maximum period for an appeal should be 60 working days, which is 12 weeks, except in very exceptional circumstances. The Minister of State is aware

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My Speech on Irish Water in the Dail – 21/10/14

Deputy Willie O’Dea:   I thank Deputy Cowen for tabling this motion. A total of 750,000 people in the country, that is one in six, live below the poverty line. Hundreds of thousands more are struggling just barely above that line. The population as a whole has been battered by year after year of austerity, cuts,

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“Families in Limerick to Pay Bill for Private Consultants despite massive reduction in free allowances for children Irish Water is blackmailing people re PPS Number We finally have confirmation that the massive consultancy bill paid during the setting up of Irish Water will be borne by customers in Limerick and across the country. The manner

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FF launches Discussion Paper on Refundable Tax Credits for the Lower Paid

240,000 lower-income people could benefit from changes to tax system. State should refund unused tax credits to workers. Fianna Fáil Spokesperson on Social Protection and Social Equality, Willie O’Dea TD, has launched a discussion paper on reforming Ireland’s tax system so refundable tax credits can be provided for the lowest paid. He commented: “The taxation

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Fianna Fáil has published a new position paper which aims to give more support and assistance to carers.  These people play a vital role in our society, undertaking to look after an older person or person with a disability at a significantly reduced cost to the state.  Despite the huge sacrifice they make on a

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O’Dea calls for suspension of travel pass review

Fianna Fáil has tabled a motion calling for the immediate suspension of a review of the free travel pass.  The review by the Department of Social Protection is understood to be focusing on a number of changes to the travel pass, which currently provides free travel to people over the age of 65.   The

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